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- Futures prices on our website during daytime trading hours are based on a 10-minute delay. To obtain the most current price, call our Stanley location between 7:30 a.m. and 1:20 p.m. Monday through Friday. Corn will not be contracted based on a voice-mail message.
- Refer to Marketing Your Corn and Drying Schedule for changes and updates throughout the crop year.
- Cash corn: If your contract is under-filled by 100 bushels or fewer, we will forgive those bushels. If your under-fill exceeds 100 bushels, all corn must be delivered. Over-fills above 20 bushels will be covered using the spot price for that day.
- Be sure the correct delivery point is included with your offer (list it under agribusiness location). If you indicate the wrong delivery point, your offer might not be accepted.
- Offers are not guaranteed until conditionally accepted. Also, in a fast-moving market, we cannot guarantee newly placed offers will be hit. Early morning offers made prior to a lower opening might not be filled.
- 1,000 bushels is the minimum offer we will accept.
- Offers made in the morning before the market opens are subject to protection if any is taken on the previous day’s bids.
- Uncontracted will be spot-priced at the close of the delivery day.
- Bids may differ by location.
Corn bid line: 715-644-5515
Stanley plant: 715-644-2909
Four Corners location: 800-575-2908