Cash Bids

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  1. Futures prices on our website during daytime trading hours are based on a 10-minute delay. To obtain the most current price, call our Stanley location between 7:30 a.m. and 1:20 p.m. Monday through Friday. Corn will not be contracted based on a voice-mail message.
  2. Refer to Marketing Your Corn and Drying Schedule for changes and updates throughout the crop year.
  3. Cash corn: If your contract is under-filled by 100 bushels or fewer, we will forgive those bushels. If your under-fill exceeds 100 bushels, all corn must be delivered. Over-fills above 20 bushels will be covered using the spot price for that day.
  4. Be sure the correct delivery point is included with your offer (list it under agribusiness location). If you indicate the wrong delivery point, your offer might not be accepted.
  5. Offers are not guaranteed until conditionally accepted. Also, in a fast-moving market, we cannot guarantee newly placed offers will be hit. Early morning offers made prior to a lower opening might not be filled.
  6. 1,000 bushels is the minimum offer we will accept.
  7. Offers made in the morning before the market opens are subject to protection if any is taken on the previous day’s bids.
  8. Uncontracted will be spot-priced at the close of the delivery day.
  9. Bids may differ by location.

Corn bid line: 715-644-5515
Stanley plant:
Four Corners location:

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